Monday, 27 July 2020

My Favourite Co-Vid TV

Hi friends - after many chats, I thought it's probably easier to list my favourite tv view for Covid.  Now those of you who know me, know I love a documentary.  And that I don't like sci-fi; fantasy type shows.  With some exceptions -- and I'm going to look for the entire Buffy series, cos I've never had the time to watch. 

Abducted in Plain Sight. Man some people are dumb. This doco shows two of the most naive parents in the entire history of mankind.  How they let their neighbour take over their family and especially to control one of their daughters is unbelievable - if you can watch this without yelling at the screen "ARE YOU KIDDING?" then you are a better person than I. Fascinating (if frustrating) story that just breaks your heart.
Monty Python - Almost the Truth (Netflix) - lots of chat with the surviving members that shed light on their personalities and the conflicts.
The Great Hack.  Story of political control aka "rigging" via exploring the Cambridge Analytica scandal.  If you think you know how invasive the internet is then you don't need this;  but if you really want to know what Zuckerberg and crew are up to then watch this.  I reckon the female knew more than she was letting on.  I'm going to watch again.  I need to get my mind around it and now I know why I don't have my location on and rarely use FB, Instagram, Twitter and the whole sorry mess of a place where we exist simply to provide information for companies to utilise. The main question - we will ever have a truly democratic election ever ever ever again?
Don't F***k with Cats.  A group  of internet "nerds" track down a murderer via the internet.  It's compelling, just like Catfish was...and if you haven't seen the original Catfish doco (not the TV show) then get to it.
Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.  I don't know who I despise the most, him or his pimp (I'm not even going to type her name, disgusting piece of trash she is).  It's a story of political corruption and the powers that kept this piece of .... surviving in the world. You almost cannot believe it.  And I hate conspiracy theories. So luckily he's dead and therefore cannot get out because of a buddy or be excused by some understanding judge.  He added nothing to our world and it's a better place without him.  This documentary should be watched by all parents with children - and they targetted "troubled" teens.  Sick bastards.  But it's a fascinating show to demonstrate that evil comes in all sorts.  Man I really would have thought that having a female around would mean that everything is ok. 
The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez.  The social welfare system totally missed the boat on this and poor Gabriel died because of the confusion between the various government departments.  Police, teachers, social workers all let him down. He was kept in a cupboard for crying out loud. I can't imagine living in a cupboard.  Makes you realise that you have to be prepared to speak up if you think something's wrong.
Athlete A. If you haven't heard about the gymnastic doctor, Larry Nassar then you must watch this. He violated girls (yes, they are often girls) in his surgery, while their parents were in the room.  He put himself between them and the patient. He did this to hundreds of females AFTER police and Olympic committee (?USA Gymnastics) received complaints.  Again, he (like Epstein) survived because someone ignored the "complaints" - Stephen Penny of USA Gymnastics did next to nothing. And thus Nassar had more time to damage more young girls. Another of this world's despicable persons.
The Confession Killer. Henry Lee Lucas is one strange dude. In the 1980s, he confessed to over 300 (?the number keeps changing) murders when he was arrested.  Did he do that many murders or was something else going on? The thing I remember is that one person said that he smelt.  He had about 4 teeth and smoked all day -- I'll bet he stank! Plenty of twists and turns.
Making a murderer. Second Season. Started out slow but picked up quickly. The twists and turns...I mean -- was he guilty? 
Keepers. Dead nun and a threatening priest.  No doubt why she was "removed".  Great doco if you're not sick of hearing about catholic church and abuse. Hubby was not a fan.
Cheers.  I couldn't give a rat's arse about cheerleaders.  But I was hella bored so thought I'd give it a go.  Yep, it's a great doco.  The amount of work they put into it is scary--and loved the males. 
Tell Me Who I Am.  Twins - one brother loses his entire memory.  All of it.  So the other brother give him all the memories he needs.   Or does he?  It's a simply shot but moving much would you want to know about your past?
Tiger King - Listen to the podcast first ; this is the story of a slightly strange group of people who love wild cats.  Was murder committed? Arson? Drugs? Yet this has it all including a gay, blonde, mulleted central character.
Conversations with a Killer: Ted Bundy Tapes.  I know he existed but knew little about him and his crimes.  Death penalty is a difficult topic - but if ever anyone deserved old sparky, Bundy did.  He seems to have been beyond rehabilitation - he had it all good-looking (sorta), smart-ish (not as smart as he thought he was), educated, no history of family abuse, or head trauma - or at least that's what we "know". Yet his brain was warped - the manner and frequency of his crimes is shocking.  The world is a better place without him. 

Mystery Type
Mindhunter (Netflix) - story of FBI dudes who started the whole profiling thing.  They interviewed every "serial" killer they could in order to understand the mind of the killer.  It's a great series.  Great acting..

General Drama
The Good Fight. Season 4--too short, damn you covid.  I love this series. At first I ignored The Good Wife (I mean why would I watch a show with that title) but once I started...loved it.  And The Good Fight just got better and better.  This season with its imagining of a female president...Loved it so much. So disappointed it was 1/2 its projected run. 
Safe - Harlan Corban - US and UK actors.  Missing teen -  unearthing secrets.  Lots of twists.  Easy to watch series with plenty to keep you guessing.
The Stranger - Harlan Corban -US and UK. Someone knows too much about people.  Intimate secrets.  She approaches people and whispers their worst secrets in their ears and starts a domino effect of anger and rage.
Morning Show (Apple TV) - best ever series so far this year.  I generally don't like Jennifer Aniston, but she is fantastic in this role. 
Hollywood - beautifully realised -- and as imaginative as the place itself.  Can you imagine a film with a black lead actor becoming a hit in the 1940s?  No neither can I. But still it's all great tv. 
Desperate Housewives - you gotta love Gabby's one liners. I forgot how funny it was. And yes, Teri Hatcher is annoying.  But you can put it on while you do cooking, cleaning, housework, play your favourite computer game.